Want to leave a 9-to-5 and start your own creative business? Download this free step-by-step checklist of everything you need to do while you're still employed in order to set yourself up for success in business.
You need to know your numbers. Run these basic financial calculations before you quit to ensure that you're setting yourself up for financial success.
Starting your own business as a creative requires a huge mental adjustment. Make sure you've gone through these mindset exercises before making the leap.
Make sure you've completed these steps to organize your portfolio and begin attracting your dream clients.
This is designed for professional creatives dreaming of the freedom to live, work, and create on their own terms:
• Graphic designers
• Videographers/Video editors
• Writers/Copywriters
• Creative directors
• Photographers
• Illustrators
• Content creators
• UX/UI designers
Just over a year ago, I took the leap from a secure six-figure corporate job to pursue my passion.
Today, my creative agency thrives, bringing in over $25k/month.
This guide is the exact roadmap I followed to achieve my dream.
It's given me the freedom to work on the creative projects I choose with the type of clients I want to work with.
Being free of my salaried job has also allowed me to spend more time with my family and 2 little kids, as well as move to Spain for the entire summer.
The reason I know that this guide works is because it's the same steps I completed before I left my job.
I want to save others the time and mental energy I had put in so that you can take a shortcut to creating your own dream business.